This is a list of links to all the definitions used throughout this website.
- Accountability
- Advance directives
- All hazards response plan
- Bedside allocation
- Capacity
- Complementary and alternative therapies
- Consistency
- Consistency with organizational values
- Do not attempt resuscitation order (DNAR)
- Education
- Ethically relevant differences
- Fair distribution of risk
- Fair distribution of workload
- Goals of care
- Health information
- Informed consent
- Integrity
- Moral Distress
- Next-of-kin hierarchy
- Organizational Values
- Paternalism
- Power of Attorney
- Presenteeism
- Privacy
- Purpose of ethics consultation
- Reciprocity
- Relevant comparisons
- Resource allocation
- Solidarity
- Stewardship
- Transparency
- Treatment of patients
- Treatment of staff